Longarm Services and Custom Quilts

Longarm deadline : May 1, 2025

Longarm Quilting:

We specialize in long-arm quilting.  You can choose one of our 76 pantograghs for edge-to-edge designs or a custom design for your quilt. Our long arm quilting staff will add the classic texture you seek for your creation. Turn around time is generally 6 to 8 weeks and the results are professional.  Please add 1 week if you want us to complete the binding. All of our batting is 100% cotton, but wool, bamboo and polyester are also available.
Come in to discuss your quilt with one of our professional quilters, Monday through Friday.
We can also help you select a backing, and if you wish, we will prepare your backing for a small fee. If you are preparing your own backing, please remember to add 8 inches to the width and length of the backing in comparison to the width and length of the quilt top. 

Custom/Commission Quilts Needed by a Certain Date

Custom Quilt Deadline: April 15, 2025

Looking for someone to create a custom quilt for you, for a family member, or as a gift?
Call All About Quilts at 508-668-0145 for details about creating a t-shirt quilt, memory quilt, a clothing quilt or a pieced quilt for any gift giving occasion. Please keep in mind that it takes 10 weeks to complete a custom quilt. Thank you. 


We are always available to help you select just the right binding for your quilt. Ask about having someone sew on your bindings! Please leave all the work to us. We will cut, iron and sew the binding on your quilt. Please be aware that the binding will take one additional week after the quilting is completed. Please specify whether or not you want a hand sewn binding or a machine sew binding.